'OS > AIX' 카테고리의 다른 글
AIX 5.3 OPENSSH INSTALL (0) | 2011.02.16 |
bff 파일 설치 (AIX) (0) | 2010.12.08 |
AIX 5.3에서 Tomcat 설치 및 기본 홈 디렉토리 변경 (1) | 2010.12.07 |
AIX 시스템 점검 쉘 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
AIX 5.3 OPENSSH INSTALL (0) | 2011.02.16 |
bff 파일 설치 (AIX) (0) | 2010.12.08 |
AIX 5.3에서 Tomcat 설치 및 기본 홈 디렉토리 변경 (1) | 2010.12.07 |
AIX 시스템 점검 쉘 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
# cd /usr/local/ # gzip -d apache-tomcat-5.5.31.tar.gz # tar xvf apache-tomcat-5.5.31.tar # ln -s /usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.31 /usr/local/tomcat # useradd -d /home/tomcat -g staff tomcat # passwd tomcat # mkdir /home/tomcat # chown -R tomcat:staff /usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.31 /usr/local/tomcat # chown -R tomcat:staff /home/tomcat |
if [ -s "$MAIL" ] # This is at Shell startup. In normal
set -o vi PATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:$HOME/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/tomcat/bin:. stty erase ^? export LANG=ko_KR export PS1=[`hostname`:\$PWD] umask 022
export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context path="" docBase="/home/myweb" debug="0" privileged="true" reloadable="true"> <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" directory="logs" prefix="localhost_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/> </Context> |
<security-constraint> </web-app>
조치 결과
telnet 호스트주소 8080
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:00 KST
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1108
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:07:09 GMT
Connection: close
<html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/5.5.31 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} H2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} H3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} B {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} P {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}A {color : black;}A.name {color : black;}HR {color : #525D76;}--></style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied</h1><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><p><b>type</b> Status report</p><p><b>message</b> <u>Access to the requested resource has been denied</u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested resource has been denied) has been forbidden.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/5.5.31</h3></body></html>Connection closed by foreign host.
bff 파일 설치 (AIX) (0) | 2010.12.08 |
IBM AIX 용 JAVA 다운로드 주소 (0) | 2010.12.07 |
AIX 시스템 점검 쉘 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
How to install/start/restart the X11 server under AIX (0) | 2010.02.05 |
Supported operating systemsSupported: |
# ./installer.sh --install Checking system for: Rootkit Hunter installer files: found A web file download command: wget found Starting installation: Checking installation directory "/usr/local": it exists and is writable. Checking installation directories: Directory /usr/local/share/doc/rkhunter-1.3.6: creating: OK Directory /usr/local/share/man/man8: exists and is writable. Directory /etc: exists and is writable. Directory /usr/local/bin: exists and is writable. Directory /usr/local/lib64: exists and is writable. Directory /var/lib: exists and is writable. Directory /usr/local/lib64/rkhunter/scripts: creating: OK Directory /var/lib/rkhunter/db: creating: OK Directory /var/lib/rkhunter/tmp: creating: OK Directory /var/lib/rkhunter/db/i18n: creating: OK Installing check_modules.pl: OK Installing filehashmd5.pl: OK Installing filehashsha1.pl: OK Installing filehashsha.pl: OK Installing stat.pl: OK Installing readlink.sh: OK Installing backdoorports.dat: OK Installing mirrors.dat: OK Installing programs_bad.dat: OK Installing suspscan.dat: OK Installing rkhunter.8: OK Installing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: OK Installing CHANGELOG: OK Installing FAQ: OK Installing LICENSE: OK Installing README: OK Installing language support files: OK Installing rkhunter: OK Installing rkhunter.conf: OK Installation complete |
# ./rkhunter Usage: rkhunter {--check | --unlock | --update | --versioncheck | Current options are: |
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.6 ] Checking system commands... Performing 'strings' command checks Performing 'shared libraries' checks Performing file properties checks [Press <ENTER> to continue]
Performing check of known rootkit files and directories Performing additional rootkit checks Performing malware checks Performing Linux specific checks [Press <ENTER> to continue]
Performing check for backdoor ports Performing checks on the network interfaces [Press <ENTER> to continue]
Performing system boot checks Performing group and account checks Performing system configuration file checks Performing filesystem checks [Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking version of GnuPG [ OK ]
File properties checks... Rootkit checks... Applications checks... The system checks took: 1 minute and 56 seconds All results have been written to the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log) One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.
CENTOS 7에 XRDP 설치하기 (0) | 2017.08.26 |
리눅스 백업 및 복구 (0) | 2013.01.25 |
삼성 컴퓨터 유분투 설치기. (0) | 2012.02.06 |
ps auxc 와 ps aux 결과 비교하기 (0) | 2010.01.21 |
AWK & SED chunk_1 (0) | 2010.01.21 |
pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user test01 by test01(uid=100) pam_loginuid(sshd:session): set_loginuid failed opening loginuid pam_loginuid(sshd:session): set_loginuid failed |
Server unexpectedly closed network connection" 라는 에러 메시지와 함께 접속 안 되는 경우가 생깁니다 그럴 경우에는 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 에서 UseDNS no 라고 추가 시켜 준 다음에 ssh 데몬(sshd)를 재시작(하거나 kill 로 죽인 다음에 다시 실행)하면 됩니다 추가 이전 키는 리눅스에서는 ~계졍명/.ssh/known_hosts 에 해당하는 주소에 키를 삭제 하면 되고 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys 에 해당하는 키를 삭제하면 됩니다--moon.ft.co.kr 출처 : http://www.hostingland.co.kr/service/memo_view.htm?mode=view&code=memo&kind=h_qna&num=140448&idx_num=198 |
Centos 6.3 에서 SAMBA 설정하기 (4) | 2013.01.22 |
Centos 6.3 에서 VNC 설치 하기 (0) | 2013.01.21 |
TAR 절대 경로 (0) | 2009.07.03 |
Centos (센토스) 오라클 설치 오류 해결하기 (0) | 2009.04.17 |
센토스에서 오라클 리스터 설정하기 (How to set listener from centos) (0) | 2009.03.05 |
IBM AIX 용 JAVA 다운로드 주소 (0) | 2010.12.07 |
AIX 5.3에서 Tomcat 설치 및 기본 홈 디렉토리 변경 (1) | 2010.12.07 |
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
How to install/start/restart the X11 server under AIX (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX System Default Route Setting (AIX 시스템 기본 라우트 정보 설정) (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX 5.3에서 Tomcat 설치 및 기본 홈 디렉토리 변경 (1) | 2010.12.07 |
AIX 시스템 점검 쉘 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
How to install/start/restart the X11 server under AIX (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX System Default Route Setting (AIX 시스템 기본 라우트 정보 설정) (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX RSH 명령 실행하기 위해 점검사항 (0) | 2009.11.06 |
Now, this one was pretty frustrating, especially with a DBA demanding X11 access to an AIX server so that he could install on it...
Here is how to do it:
This can be done with the following command:
# lslpp -l | grep -i X11.Dt
If X11 is installed on an AIX machine, the above command should return (more or less):
If not, you need to install the X11 server. See below.
The X11 packages are on the #2 AIX installation CD, in the /installp/ppc/
To search for the proper package, once the CD has been installed in the CD-ROM drive of your AIX machine, you can issue the following commands:
# find /cdrom1 -name *dt* /cdrom1/installp/ppc/X11.adt /cdrom1/usr/sys/inst.images/X11.adt
Here, of course, the CD-ROM drive is mounted under /cdrom1
If we list this directory, here is the content:
# cd /cdrom1/installp/ppc/ # ls .toc X11.help.en_US csm.gui.dcem_1.6.0.10 Java14.license X11.loc.en_US invscout.websm Java14.sdk X11.man.en_US sysmgt.help.en_US Java5.sdk X11.motif sysmgt.help.msg.en_US X11.Dt X11.msg.en_US sysmgt.msg.en_US.sguide X11.Dt.other X11.samples sysmgt.msg.en_US.websm X11.adt X11.vfb sysmgt.sguide X11.apps X11.vsm sysmgt.websm X11.base bos.aixpert sysmgt.websm.diskarray X11.compat.X11R5 bos.ecc_client sysmgtlib.framework X11.compat.other bos.installers sysmgtlib.libraries X11.fnt csm.gui.dcem
Now, to install with smitty, type smitty
as root, and go to "Software installation > Install software".
Next, select your CD-ROM device, and check the following configuration is correct:
Install Software Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd1 * SOFTWARE to install [+ AIX CDE A> + PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no + COMMIT software updates? yes + SAVE replaced files? no + AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no + VERIFY install and check file sizes? yes + Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes + DETAILED output? yes + Process multiple volumes? yes + ACCEPT new license agreements? yes + PREVIEW new LICENSE agreements? no + F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List F5=Reset F6=Command F7=Edit F8=Image F9=Shell F10=Exit Enter=Do
In the SOFTWARE to install
, press "F4" (=List) and select all the CDE packages, using the list of packages above as a guide.
Next, press ENTER and the installation should proceed correctly.
There are several possibilities here. Please keep in mind that I was trying to have a minimal X11 server, to allow one user to connect. I was not so much interested in correctness...
Two possibilities:
command as shown below:# /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon
script as shown below:# /etc/rc.dt
This script has the advantage of launching a full X11 environment, including a login prompt on the console.
In both cases, you can check the X11 server is running correctly with the following command:
andre@galactus$ ps -fe | grep -i dtlogin | grep -v grep root 94310 1 0 26 sep - 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon root 147544 94310 0 26 sep - 0:00 dtlogin <:0> -daemon
Please make sure you go through the entire list. This is a bit tedious, but it works very well, so make sure you go through all the steps and don't try to skip one...
# ps -fe | grep -i rc.bootx # kill -9 <rc.bootx PIDs>
WARNING: If there are ANY "rc.bootx" processes, they MUST be stopped before anything else!
# ps -fe | grep -i dtlogin # kill -9 <dtlogin PIDs>
WARNING: Make sure there are no processes attached to the "dtlogin" processes...
cd /var/dt rm Xerrors rm Xpid
Sometimes, it could be interesting to keep a copy of the Xerrors
and /tmp
:For instance:
-bash-3.00$ df -g /var /tmp Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on /dev/hd9var 1.02 0.29 72% 556 1% /var /dev/hd3 3.05 2.28 26% 1726 1% /tmp
This space-checking stage is optional, but you never know... :-)
Do this with the following command:
$ lssrc -s dtsrc Subsystem Group PID Status dtsrc inoperative
# /etc/rc.dt
bash-2.05b$ ps -fe | grep -i dtlogin | grep -v grep root 65704 1 0 Sep 09 - 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon root 74118 65704 0 Sep 09 - 0:00 dtlogin <:0> -daemon
bash-2.05b$ lssrc -s dtsrc Subsystem Group PID Status dtsrc active
AIX 시스템 점검 쉘 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
AIX System Default Route Setting (AIX 시스템 기본 라우트 정보 설정) (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX RSH 명령 실행하기 위해 점검사항 (0) | 2009.11.06 |
부팅시 자동으로 모든 서비스 실행하기 (0) | 2009.10.20 |
#echo $ODMDIR /etc/objrepos에 있어야 함
# odmget -q attribute=route CuAt <- 여기에 route 정보들을 가진 ODM stanza가 나열됨.
## 아래 예 ##
name = "inet0"
attribute = "route"
value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 0
name = "inet0"
attribute = "route"
value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 0
해당하는 default gateway를 반드시 확인하고 잘못된 route 정보들을 ODM에서 지우기 위해서는
# odmget -q attribute=route CuAt 에서 나온 정보 중 value 값을 copy 해서 지웁니다.
value 부분을 쓸때는 따옴표를 주의
# odmdelete -q "value=net,-hopcount,0,,0," -o CuAt
0518-307 odmdelete: 1 objects deleted.
정확히 확인을 위해서 다시 odmget을 통하여 default value 확인
# odmget -q attribute=route CuAt
name = "inet0"
attribute = "route"
value = "net,-hopcount,0,,0,"
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 0
마지막으로 netstat -nr을 통하여 route 정보 확인
여기서는 route delete option을 통하여 삭제
[출처] AIX route ODM 수정|작성자 퍼트려슈
Xmanager on AIX 5.3 (1) | 2010.02.09 |
How to install/start/restart the X11 server under AIX (0) | 2010.02.05 |
AIX RSH 명령 실행하기 위해 점검사항 (0) | 2009.11.06 |
부팅시 자동으로 모든 서비스 실행하기 (0) | 2009.10.20 |
inittab 설정하기 (0) | 2009.10.19 |
CENTOS 7에 XRDP 설치하기 (0) | 2017.08.26 |
리눅스 백업 및 복구 (0) | 2013.01.25 |
삼성 컴퓨터 유분투 설치기. (0) | 2012.02.06 |
rkhunter (리눅스 침입 탐지 사용하기) (1) | 2010.10.14 |
AWK & SED chunk_1 (0) | 2010.01.21 |
패턴 | 매칭 |
(\B\w)* | abcdef:!~ghi-jkl |
(\b\w)* | abcdef:!~ghi-jkl |
(\b\W)* | abcdef:!~ghi-jkl |
(\B.\B)* | abcdef:!~ghi-jkl |
(\b.\b)* | abcdef:!~ghi-jkl |
CENTOS 7에 XRDP 설치하기 (0) | 2017.08.26 |
리눅스 백업 및 복구 (0) | 2013.01.25 |
삼성 컴퓨터 유분투 설치기. (0) | 2012.02.06 |
rkhunter (리눅스 침입 탐지 사용하기) (1) | 2010.10.14 |
ps auxc 와 ps aux 결과 비교하기 (0) | 2010.01.21 |