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Oracle Database 10g Release 2 JDBC Drivers

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Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers

 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)
JDBC Thin for All Platforms
 classes12.jar (1,621,582 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3
 classes12_g.jar (2,070,298 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 classes12dms.jar (1,629,454 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 classes12dms_g.jar (2,078,718 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14.jar (1,569,316 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5
 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,965,422 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14dms.jar (1,576,882 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,973,634 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 demo.tar (604,160 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.
Note: For platform specific JDBC-OCI libraries See Instant Client

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers

 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)
JDBC Thin for All Platforms
 classes12.jar (1,609,607 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3
 classes12_g.jar (2,055,921 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 classes12dms.jar (1,617,382 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 classes12dms_g.jar (2,064,313 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14.jar (1,555,682 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5
 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,950,033 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14dms.jar (1,563,375 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,958,237 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 orai18n.jar (1,646,178 bytes) - NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files.
 demo.tar (604,160 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.
Note: For platform specific JDBC-OCI libraries See Instant Client

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers

 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)
JDBC Thin for All Platforms
 classes12.jar (1,600,090 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3
 classes12_g.jar (2,044,594 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 classes12dms.jar (1,607,745 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 classes12dms_g.jar (2,052,968 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14.jar (1,545,954 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5
 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,938,906 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14dms.jar (1,553,561 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.
 ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,947,136 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 orai18n.jar (1,645,114 bytes) - NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files.
 ons.jar (48,492 bytes) - for use by the pure Java client-side Oracle Notification Services (ONS) deamon.
 demo.tar (604,160 bytes) or demo.zip (529,267 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.
Note: For platform specific JDBC-OCI libraries See Instant Client

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers

 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)
JDBC Thin for All Platforms
 classes12.jar (1,594,191 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3 
 classes12_g.jar (2,038,127 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information. 
 classes12dms.jar (1,601,843 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. 
 classes12dms_g.jar (2,046,467 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14.jar (1,540,457 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5
 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,932,834 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information. 
 ojdbc14dms.jar (1,548,006 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. 
 ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,940,478 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 orai18n.jar (1,645,109 bytes) - NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files. 
 ons.jar (48,492 bytes) - for use by the pure Java client-side Oracle Notification Services (ONS) deamon.
 demo.tar (604,160 bytes) or demo.zip (529,267 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.
Note: For platform specific JDBC-OCI libraries See Instant Client

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers

 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)
JDBC Thin for All Platforms
 classes12.jar (1,590,491 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3 
 classes12_g.jar (2,033,507 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information. 
 classes12dms.jar (1,598,183 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. 
 classes12dms_g.jar (2,041,904 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 ojdbc14.jar (1,536,979 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5
 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,928,714 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information. 
 ojdbc14dms.jar (1,544,468 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. 
 ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,936,765 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.
 orai18n.jar (1,551,155 bytes) - NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files. 
 ons.jar (48,492 bytes) - for use by the pure Java client-side Oracle Notification Services (ONS) deamon.
 demo.tar (604,160 bytes) or demo.zip (529,267 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.
Note: For platform specific JDBC-OCI libraries See Instant Client


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어... 사용하는 포트가 있다고 뜨는것이다...

뭐지...도대체 감으로 찾아봐도.. 찾기 힘들었다.

그래서 인터넷 검색을 통해 찾던중 CurrPorts 란 프로그램을 찾게 되었다.

홈페이지 : http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html
다운로드 : http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.zip

무설치 버젼으로 제공하였으며 실행한 화면은 다음과 같다.

여기서는 내컴퓨터의 사용 포트를 확인해야 하므로 Local Port 부분을 누르면(오름차순, 내림차순 정렬) 정렬된다.

정렬한뒤 Local Port의 80번을 사용하는 프로그램의 프로퍼티를 조회한다.

* 위에서 해당 프로세스를 죽일때에는 Kill Processes Of Selected Ports 부분을 클릭하면 되고... 신중히 실행해야 한다 !!!
잘못하면 치명적인 오류 및 시스템이 종료될 수 도 있다.

아래는 TeamViewer.exe(팀뷰어) 라는 프로세스가 TCP 프로토콜에 80번 포트(웹 포트)를 사용하여 수신응답 대기중임을 알수 있다.

즉, 내 컴퓨터에서 웹서비스를 사용하려고 할때 충돌 났던 이유는 원격 지원 프로그램(TEAMVIEWER)를 사용함으로써 발생 했었음을 알수 있다...


RAW 파일 한쪽만 권한을 바꾸어 주고 마운트시 정상적으로 마운트 되나

아래와 같은 오류 발생함...

ORA-01157: 데이터 28 파일을 식별 또는 잠금 할 수 없습니다- DBWR 추적 파일을 보십시오

ORA-01110: 28 데이터 파일: '/dev/rnvms06'


If you connect to sqlplus AS SYSDBA you could try


데이터 파일 복구 하도록 하고

양쪽 시스템 동기화 맞추기 ~

RAC 시스템 모두에서 위와 같은 명령을 턱 ~

원래는 에러를 발생하지 않게 하는게 정상임...


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